Join Cline Fire in celebrating Fire Prevention Week’s 100th year anniversary. This year’s campaign is, “Fire won’t wait. Plan your escape.” According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), “Today’s homes burn faster than ever. You may have as little as two minutes (or even less time) to safely escape a home fire from the time the smoke alarm sounds. Your ability to get out of a home during a fire depends on early warning from smoke alarms and advance planning.” The same is true for commercial buildings as well. Be prepared and have documented escape routes, established safe meeting places, and tested, working notification and suppression devices (e.g., fire alarms/smoke detectors, fire extinguishers).
To learn more about fire prevention and find safety tip sheets, activities for kids, games and apps, and even lesson plans for teachers, visit the NFPA’s Fire Prevention Week page at https://www.nfpa.org/FPW.